The Saga of The Mighty AI & What The Future Holds For Us

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

We can see that AI or Artificial Intelligence has been quite buzzworthy for a couple of years. From automating customer support to making robots mimic humans, it's pretty much all around us (do let us know when was the first time you were introduced to this groundbreaking term). 

Do you also feel that AI has been relevant only for the last 10-15 years? Well, you might wanna hold on to that thought. 


Introduction to AI 🔗

The term 'Artificial Intelligence' was first coined in 1956 by John McCarthy. It has been used to describe the intelligence exhibited by machines, and the branch of computer science that aims to create it.

Artificial Intelligence is a broad field and can be broken down into subfields like machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision and so on. Trust us on this- the world of AI is equally complicated & fun.

Machine Learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that uses computers to learn through examples and experience. In this sense, it's the "brain" of A.I. Machine learning works by looking for patterns in large amounts of data (for example, web searches) and making predictions based on those patterns. 

So if one website has many people typing "dog", into the search bar, a machine learning algorithm would predict that many people searching for "dog" might also be looking for "crazy dog." Machine learning is constantly getting smarter because it can take into account new variables and experiences.


We know we have amazed millions of Rytrs across the world with the prowesses of our AI and left thousands of y’all wondering how we do it. Yes, this is your answer- we’re continuously training our tool to predict the next words you would want to write. And folks, this is how you are able to have your fun Ryting sprees. Click here to learn more about how Rytr generates content. 

How AI Works in a Breakdown of 3 Categories 🔗

1. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): AGI is the capability of a machine to perform any intellectual task that a human being can do, usually in an optimal manner for the field and domain where it operates.

2. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI): This type of AI has a specific function or task. It can be in the form of an algorithm that has been programmed to do a specific task like playing chess or driving a car.

3. Artificial Superintelligence (ASI): ASI is a hypothetical artificial intelligence that would have cognitive capabilities significantly greater than humans’ across a broad range of cognitive tasks.

The great robot uprising might see the sun someday, brb going underground. 


How AI is Changing the World as We Know It 🔗

Artificial intelligence is changing the world as we know it. It has become a crucial part of the lives of many people and has made it possible for machines to do things that were once thought to be impossible. The most common use case for AI is in customer service, where companies like Apple, Amazon and Google employ AI assistants to help customers with their questions. Other industries also have a high demand for AI, such as healthcare and law enforcement. 

The AI ecosystem is on a super boom and can be thought of as a network of interconnected players - developers, practitioners, and users.

The ecosystem is expanding rapidly in all directions. There are more than 1,000 startups in the AI space (including yours truly, of course). The number of developers and practitioners is growing at an exponential rate with the emergence of new tools and techniques that make it easier for non-experts to use AI. There are more than 500 million people using some form of AI on a daily basis.

Conclusion: The Future is Now - Here's How We're Going to Deal with it. 🔗

The future is here and it is amazing. We are living in a world where AI writers are assisting copywriters, AI bots are taking care of our personal and professional lives, and robots are being built to be our companions. The future will not only be different but also better. 


Let’s sit back & enjoy the magic of AI but yes, don’t forget to add your special ‘human touch’ in whatever you do and wherever you go with it ;)