Rytr’s Wrap-Up For You!

Friday, December 30, 2022

The End to a Beginning  🔗

Hey there my beautiful Ryting Ninjas. I have stacked up my virtual blankies & pillows and they truly look like heaven on earth. However, before I go into my deep (& quick) holiday slumber, I want to quickly reflect on an amazing year with my tribe. You never hold back from letting us know what you’d like to see added to the platform - and when you ask, we deliver! So thank you all so much for all helping Rytr to keep getting better and better this past year.


Let’s take a moment to look back on the new features added in 2022 that you loved the most. Strap on as this is going to be an interesting ride ;)

API For Everyone🧩 🔗

Ever since Rytr was born, we were bombarded with integration requests to supercharge other businesses/websites. Last year we started small and gave access to a handful of our Rytrs and were quite stunned with the results. Well, we couldn’t keep our magical potion limited for too long and went ahead with making our API accessible to everyone. Guess who is proud of powering almost 1000 businesses at scale across the globe 😉

Optimised Rytings- SEO Integrations📊 🔗

To take your SEO ranking to the next level, we introduced SEMRush integration for long-form ryting at the beginning of the year which has been lauded well by our tribe. To fuel your SEO game further, we added yet another integration for y’all- SERP Analysis.

Do More With Your Ryting- Creativity Level & Readability Score👀 🔗

To give our tribe more control over their generated text, we rolled out 2 of our minor features with MAJOR impact. With the creativity level menu, you can set how flowery you want your text to be. From the Shakespearean level (pardon our over-exaggeration here) to plain textbook standard- we have got it all.

Now that you’re done with the creative part, you might wanna determine how people are gonna read the same. No worries here, we’re here with our readability score report card to help you out.

All You Can Ryte- 6 New Use Cases🤌 🔗

It’s quite a task to go through the list of ‘demanded’ use cases from our tribe. From writing love letters to compiling a 400-page novel, we can conclude that even the sky isn’t any limit to our Rytrs. After carefully going through everything and drawing a thousand parameters, we did come up with 6 new use cases with many more in the pipeline.

Continue Ryting✏️ 🔗

It was indeed a good year for all our long-form ryting enthusiasts. After nearly perfecting their SEO score, we came up with a way for them to ryte way more than before. If you’re new to the blogging game then this one is totally for you to learn and grow.

Dark Mode🕶️ 🔗

“The eyes, Chico, they never lie”- and we totally stand by it. Long working hours can strain your eyes to the point that they beg you for a long screen break. While most of us cannot have that luxury frequently, it's best to switch to dark mode to take off some load.

Meet Your Tribe👥 🔗

Welcome to our virtual home where we unite our family of rapidly growing rytrs. It’s a great and virtually cosy place to share all your concerns, suggestions and of course-memes. Stay tuned as we get you some super-informative sessions via our community.

Yours Vibrantly- Image Generator🖼️ 🔗

After making your ryting sprees a success we’re here to fill some more colours to your work. It won’t be an understatement to mention that our AI image generator is making quite a buzz and here’s everything you need to know about it.

Dozing Off 🔗

Oh well, that’s about it for now. I can hear my comfy bed silently screaming at me already and I must go before I fall asleep. I would like to thank my family of nearly 4 million happy Rytrs for their continued support. My team & I promise you to keep bringing in the good for y’all to make your work more exciting & efficient at the same time. Oh, and as always, we love to hear your feedback - so let us know in the community forum any suggestions you’ve got to make next year even more of a success; and we can keep making Rytr better, together.


We wish you a very happy 202…. ZZzzzzz